Tuesday, April 04, 2006

PSP keyboard and cellphone attachments on USPTO

So if you recall, way back at E3 2004 when Sony was showing off the PlayStation Portable for the first time in the US, they were also generating some buzz with translucent keyboard and cellphone attachments.

To much a gamers dissapointment, the much anticipated Logic 3 keyboard was cancelled, with the company reporting that sony were not being cooperative with information regarding system settings etc.

In two filings dated November 10, 2004 (and made public in late February 2006 and only three days ago, respectively), a gaggle of Sony designers submitted applications for both "ornamental design[s]" for a keyboard and phone add-on for the PSP -- and trust us, the patent filings couldn't have been much less verbose. So will we ever see these things get manufactured and released? Eh, even though Sony's launched some unexpected PSP accessories recently, we'd assume the phone attachment won't ever take off.

Source via engadget

1 comment:

ZOverLord said...

You can use this FREE PSP Virtual Keyboard NOW:
